Together We Can Make a Difference
Dedicated to Elevating the Spiritual Consciousness and Health of Humanity Since 1951
The need for the love-inspired and enlightened teachings of Astara is greater than ever & You can help
Your gift helps to provide for those in need-with services available to anyone who calls on Astara... through the healing & prayer ministry.
Donations help people practice the teachings worldwide with free online prayer petitions, free & spiritually engaging events, meditations & classes.
Astara books, Degree Lessons, quizzes & archive publications are published and available in an online & onsite store for future generations to access the Chaney's publications.
All store proceeds are donated back to Astara and all teachings are preserved in-house.
Contributions finance the website, staff, social media, ministry outreach, The Voice of Astara Magazine & admin duties- sharing the Astara message & community events, making them available to people in over 90 countries worldwide at any time of day.
Astara is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID: 95-1717002
Your tax-deductible gift will help us make the Ancient Wisdom accessible to all.
Checks should be made out to Astara and mailed to our headquarters;
725 Deep Valley Drive
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Become an Angel Donor with your recurring tithe: