Meet the Master
Teachers of Astara
The Ascended Masters of Astara

Master Jesus the Christ

Master Rama

Master Kuthumi

Master Zoser

The Blessed Virgin Mary

Master Kuthumi
Master Kuthumi
The name Kuthumi is a "mystical" name taken from the name of the Koot-Hoompa sect of Tibetan Buddhism. ("Pa" means "disciples of.") In his youth, he attached himself to no particular religious faith. His youthful mind, however, remembering past lives, reached for the Mysteries with which he was familiar, having been the Hierophant (High Instructor) in earlier incarnations. He left his homeland to travel to distant climes, gaining a broader education and concentrating especially on the varied religions of different cultures, the better to give impetus to the idea of one universal religion for all - a religion which would embrace ALL denominations; not substitute one for the other.
Though born a Kashmir Brahman, he settled in Tibet to perpetuate his work with the Brotherhood. He spent several years as a Buddhist monk of the Gelugpa or "yellow hat" division of Tibetan Buddhism. (In Tibetan, his name is pronounced Keh-thoom-bah.) Although he dwelt in a valley in the Himilayas, much of this work was on the higher planes. It was around 1880 that Helena Blavatsky brought to the front of the Theosophical Society the existence of the Masters. It is well known that among the Great White Brotherhood, two Masters were especially concerned with the foundation of the Theosophical Movement and its development. These were the Masters Morya and Kuthumi. It is this same Kuthumi who is the unseen one mentioned in Earlyne's book, Remembering - the one who guided her ministry writing for half a century.
Master Kuthumi was the spiritual guide and Teacher of Astara - the "Father" who contacted Earlyne in her early days. He is devoted solely to teaching the Mysteries in the Degree Lessons of Astara' Book of Life and The Great Work of the Penetralia, which were brought through both Robert and Earlyne under his direction.

Master Jesus the Christ
Master Jesus the Christ
The birth and life of Jesus, the Galilean Master, have long been a mystery. The mystery becomes a revelation only when viewed in the light of esoteric tradition and Ancient Wisdom teachings. Through these rarely presented concepts, it is possible to gain a fuller understanding of his life. The Master's birth was indeed overshadowed be a great glory. Jesus was divine, but not through the incident of birth. He was divine before his birth, having achieved his divinity through countless lives of service and spiritual training. He was chosen by the Great Brotherhood to manifest upon Earth as the Christ because he had attained his divinity.
Thus, we accept the teaching the Jesus was both man and "god." Man, in that, he did incarnate in fleshly form, thus making himself to some degree subject to the laws of this plane of life. ."God," in that, through many previous incarnations, he had evolved to such mastery he was able to manipulate the substances of the Earth to conform to his direction, and to create according to his divine desires.
The great Light of Astara is the Master whom the world knows as Jesus the Christ. He is indeed the Master of Masters and the Teacher Incomparable. The three Masters of Astara follow the leadership of Jesus most reverently. Although Astara embraces the esoteric teachings of all religions, it is the Master Jesus who is Astara's leader and light, and it is his inner Teachings which the Astarian disciples follow as devout Astarian mystic Christians. ​

Master Rama
Master Rama
The name Rama (pronounced Rah-mah) is interpreted to mean "The Divine Son of Holy Breath" (Holy Breath being the combined Father-Mother God). Ra related to the Father of Light; Ma related to the Mother of Light. During the days when Master Jesus taught the Mysteries in Egypt, there came One from the East seeking initiation and it was during this incarnation that this disciple gained Mastership and was given the spiritual name of "Rama." There are a great many Master teachers who bear the name of Rama, but it is this Rama -the Teacher who last incarnated during the time of Jesus - that is the Rama of Astara. He has not incarnated since.
Master Rama is devoted to concentrating on the organizational matters of Astara and expanding its teachings worldwide. He devotes his full attention to Astara and Astarians. His one devout mission is to help Astara fulfill its two intertwined destinies; to function as a center of all religions and spiritual beliefs, and as a New Age Modern Mystery School. He is not involved with any other School or religious organization. Robert was his principle disciple, and Rama's power and overshadowing were instrumental in guiding Robert through organizational opportunities and establishing Astara on the earth plane during the New Age.
Astara's growth and spiritual influence have far exceeded even our most enthusiastic anticipation, and for this phenomenal activity, we salute Rama. Because of his unceasing devotion and steadfastness of purpose, the message and light Astara offers have reached countless Truth seekers around the world.

The Blessed Virgin Mary
The Blessed Virgin Mary
Saint Mary, the mother of Jesus, "the lady more brilliant by the Sun," has been venerated in the Christian church since the Apostolic Age and continues to be a favorite subject in western art, music, and literature. Mary is known from biblical references, which are, however, too sparse to construct a coherent biography. Through the development of the doctrine of Mary, her life history can be traced through the titles that have been ascribed to her in the history of the Christian communions - a Guarantee of the Incarnation, Virgin Mother, Second Eve, Mother of God, Ever Virgin, Immaculate, Precious Holy Mother, and the Assumed into Heaven. The New Testament account of her humility and obedience to the message of God have made her an exemplar for all the ages.
The Precious Holy Mother is the Holy Mother of the World. She is the soul of the world, answering in some way for our choices. It is her voice that is invoking the Age of Aquarius. It is her voice that will speak. The rhythm of our hearts will need to learn to beat to Her pulse. This will be the rhythm of the rosary - no spoken words, heartbeats. Each beat will serve as a bead for each soul lost in Pisces through lesser agreements.
It was during a mystical pilgrimage to the small village in Fatima, Portugal, of the famed Marian apparitions of 1917, that inspired Earlyne to continue her studies of St. Mary and to share her urgent message to humanity; warning us of a future peril to the entire world if we do not turn our attention toward light, love, and reconciliation to God. Mary is attempting to help us all attune more closely to the divinity in each of us, feeling more at one with our own "Christ" consciousness. Mary is the forerunner - the way-shower - to the coming Light.

Master Zoser
Master Zoser
The name Zoser was given to him at birth and means "The Holy," for his birth was prophesized by the seers of the day. Strange and mystical circumstances surrounding this birth marked him as an "Expected One," and his coming fulfilled the word of the prophecy. His first initiation was bestowed upon him while he was still a young man. During this ceremony, a new name was added to that of Zoser. It was Neterkeht, which means "God in flesh," further signifying the esteem in which he was held. He traveled throughout Egypt and united his people for the time in their history. Wars ceased during his reign, and under his rule world civilization was born.
As the first king of the Third Dynasty of Egypt, Zoser was not only a king beloved by his subjects, he was also a priest and teacher. But most of all, he was a healer of such magnitude his people built shrines of worship in his name for three thousand years following his transition. He was deified by them regarded as an incarnated god. It was during his reign as pharaoh that the first pyramid was constructed - the Step Pyramid at Sakkara - which exists today as probably the oldest known construction in our civilized world.
Master Zoser gives his full attention to Astara's healing ministry. Zoser first came to Earlyne and Robert at Camp Chesterfield in the winter of 1951 in the midst of one of their meditations seeking intuitional guidance from Higher Intelligences. It is through the efforts of this singular being that the healing work of Astara is now renowned internationally. Although he gives, in reverent humility, all credit to his own Master Teacher, Jesus the Christ.