It is with a heavy heart that we share the passing of Head Reverend Peggy Tennent.
As Astarians we know that she is in the pure White Light of Love and that the Chaney’s- whom
she served for over 30 years, are waiting for her, open-armed and proud of her accomplishments as
a healing minister and friend to all she connected with.
As Peggy graduates from Earth to Heaven, we ask you
to hold her in your thoughts with the deep and real happiness she held for all the members whose lives she brightened.
Know that Peggy was blessed with healings and Astara prayers over the weekend and before her transition and that her last words to
Us were
“Gratitude & Thankfulness Eternally now unconditionally one drop in the ocean of consciousness with the highest wellbeing on wings of Angels my way."
Fly High Peggy. You were truly an Earth Angel.
We will keep you informed of Bardo happenings soon. A transition meditation is on YouTube.
"Peggy Tennent, Head Reverend
With more than 30 working years of ministry with Astara, Peggy heads up daily ministry activities, responsibilities, & shares true experiences with each of the Chaney family & fellow Astarians. Peggy was ordained by the Chaney's & has sat with many spiritual teachers the world over. A Retired Registered Respiratory Therapist with energy training from numerous different avenues of life to humbly support Astara's Book Of Life teachings now."